What Is Slurry Seal?

Slurry Seal is a preventative pavement maintenance treatment that is made up of asphalt emulsion, fillers, water and aggregate. These materials are loaded onsite in an automated Slurry Seal machine that mixes the required type of emulsion, rock size, and fillers according to the project requirements and specifications provided by a laboratory mix design. As Slurry Seal is being applied continuously out of the back of a spreader box, this application fills in any loss of fines and provides a new durable wearing surface that is very cost efficient. The thickness of the surface depends on the type of Surry Seal required.


Types of Slurry Seal

Type I: Specifically made for newer asphalt surfaces, and therefore has a fine aggregate size. It provides a minimum of 1/8” new wearing surface. New asphalt roads, airport runways and new parking lots often require this type of application to protect the asphalt.

Type II: Designed for lower-traffic asphalt roads where the asphalt surface has had some wear resulting in a loss of matrix. This application provides a minimum of ¼” wearing surface after replenishing the fines. It is used to correct moderate to severe raveling, oxidation damage, loss of fines, and it provides a skid-resistance surface. It is the most commonly-used application.

Type III: Produced for moderate to heavy-traffic asphalt roads. After filling in the fines lost, it provides a minimum of 3/8” wearing asphalt surface. It is also, designed to correct severe raveling, oxidation damage, loss of fines and provides skid resistance. Main thoroughfares and collector roads use this size of application.